The family outreach program seeks to deeply support the families of the vulnerable children so that they can create self-sustainable homes that their children can return to someday. Our outreach is rendered through;

Seroma Founation Family Outreach


Where the families’ relatives are visited and enlightened about their children’s capabilities and state so that they too understand the fact that these young people can’t afford to support them at a tender age.

We also give the family and relatives knowledge on how to create income-generating activities that support and

Seroma Founation Family Outreach

Family support projects

Once the families are educated, we shall initiate them onto projects and programs that help them create better living standards.

The foundation provides resources to help these families start such projects or partners with other organizations that advocate and support such initiatives

Seroma Founation Family Outreach

Impact tracking

A mechanism to measure the progress of these projects has been created so that decisions on termination, improvement, or scaling are made based on real insights. This further helps us to bring on board other potential supporters that could accelerate the projects for more benefits

Our focus.



The best thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you and we believe is it’s the most permanent wealth that can be willed to any child. Our greatest desire in supporting these youngsters is to change the world and life for better forever. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.



Everyone is responsible at any point and takes a well learned and informed mind to be a good leader, we have incorporated leadership mentorship such that every child is raised to be a responsible and reliable citizen who can lead anywhere.

Christian Values

Christian Values

The fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge and we believe raising children on a firm foundation of faith will be a pillar for the success and perseverance in this trouble some and tempting world.

